“Be BOLD enough to CHOOSE the attitude that will bring JOY to your life!”


Today I Choose: Transform Your Mindset, Transform Your Life

Do you ever notice that our current society seems to celebrate struggling and leans towards a negative bias? And while it’s true that life may bring unpleasant plot twists to our stories, it doesn’t mean we have to stay in negative emotions or situations. Changing our perspective often changes the impact on us.

Feelings of burnout, facing negative situations, engaging with challenging people and managing an overload of responsibilities can influence our own brain's thought processes and create negative mindset habits. Training our brains to focus on positive moments can benefit our mental and physical health, especially during challenging times.

As a three-time cancer survivor, Heather Hall has overcome many challenges in her life. And yet she decided early on that there is no greater joy than living life to the fullest, no matter what you’re facing. Embracing that attitude helps her focus daily on choosing the mindset and attitude that bring ease and joy to her life. And Heather believes that everyone can master a positive mindset!  

By weaving personal stories with simple, yet effective strategies and real-world examples, Heather helps people choose to transform their mindset to turn problems into possibilities and stay grounded in chaotic times.  


  • We all have a choice in how we react and respond to circumstances in our lives.

  • You can develop strategies to find possibilities in problems by changing your perspective.

  • Rewriting your thought patterns will help you navigate change and challenges.

  • Consistency is key to training your brain for optimism and positivity.

  • Creating a life of ease and joy for YOU will have a positive impact on others around you

This keynote is perfect for audiences who are seeking ways to choose positivity to help them achieve their goals and overcome challenges. 

So what will you choose today?


Amplify Your Voice: Storytelling for Positive Impact

Do you have a story to share about overcoming an illness or other challenging situation? Do you want to help others but don’t know where to start? We all have stories that make us unique. Sharing our personal stories can often times make a positive impact on individuals and our communities.  

Heather Hall started sharing her story to help others after being diagnosed with osteosarcoma at age 21. When her dad died from cancer, then her younger sister and a niece were diagnosed with cancer, sharing her family’s cancer journey for positive healthcare change became a passion. Since then, she meets regularly with local, state and federal officials to push for positive change in cancer and healthcare. She’s written for magazines and often interviewed in the media, blogs and podcasts. Heather has given keynote speeches and led workshops on storytelling, advocacy, engaging volunteers, communication strategies and other. She’s managed advocacy efforts for patient groups, nonprofits and corporations, as well as trained numerous volunteers and employees in storytelling and legislative advocacy.  

Blending creativity and passion with proven strategies and examples, Heather helps audiences gain confidence in sharing their story to make a positive impact.  


  • Storytelling can create positive change.

  • Your unique voice can influence others to positively react and respond.

  • We are always in control of our story.

  • Make your story work for you.

  • It takes one person using their voice to start a ripple effect of positive change.

This keynote is great for individuals and organizations interested in learning how to use storytelling to influence positive change in our society.


Living Beyond Cancer: Motivation to Live Your Best Life

We all face challenges at some point in our lives. How we choose to respond and react to those challenges has a major impact on the quality of our physical, mental and emotional health.

As a three-time cancer survivor, Heather Hall has faced many challenges. And since her first diagnosis at 21 years old, Heather’s motto has been ‘living beyond cancer,’ even when she was in cancer treatment. To her, those words mean to look beyond the disease and negativity to open yourself to enjoying life, no matter the challenges faced. Laugh, read a book, plan an outing, focus on what’s good in your life. These are the choices that Heather made during her cancer treatments, and she continues to make every day. She chooses to focus on living.

This keynote speech shares real-world stories and examples of choosing to live beyond challenges, whether facing cancer or something else. Heather’s zest for life can be felt in the lessons she shares about overcoming physical and emotional roadblocks and how she learned to find joy in every day, even in the midst of cancer treatment.


  • We all have a choice in how we react and respond to circumstances in our lives.

  • Focusing on enjoying life can positively impact all areas of life.

  • Learn to navigate change and challenges with clarity and courage.

  • Strategies for finding joy and possibilities in challenges we face.

  • Changing our perspective can help ease our struggles.

This keynote is perfect for cancer survivors, those impacted by other diseases, caregivers, those facing challenges, and people who simply want to be motivated and inspired to throw their arms open to possibilities!


Heather also offers a variety of dynamic, interactive workshops. These interactive workshops help audiences transform their mindset, use their voice, gain confidence and much more.

Learn more about Heather

A few of the cool places Heather has worked with:

ACS Cancer Action Network
ACS Cancer Action Network, Michigan
Alpha Chi Omega collegiate & alumni chapters
American Cancer Society chapters
Camp Mak-A-Dream
Cancer Support Community
Friends of Camp Mak-A-Dream, Michigan Chapter
Gilda's Club chapters
MEMA, Women in Remanufacturing Network
National Auto Body Council
National Cancer Survivors Day
Optimist Club chapters
One Voice Against Cancer
Rotary International chapters

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to be a SPEAKER

Get to know

Heather Hall is a cancer survivor, PR/marketing professional, passionate about helping others and committed to LOVING and LIVING life every day!

Learn more about Heather and how she can help make your event a success.

What will you choose today?

Let’s choose to work together!